


What is UGOC Tetsugaku?


UGOC Tetsugaku met in its first iteration on February 15th, 2020 at Ryosoku-in Temple in Kyoto's Gion district. We had a simple proposal: "Let's talk about beauty." Since that first meeting, our goal has been to draw on the Socratic method to provide our participants with a structure and forum to talk about the things we hardly have a chance to talk about and talk with people we hardly have a chance to talk with.

Through imaginative discussion, we are reminded of philosophy's role in everyday life. Through discursive feedback, we are challenged to proactively take on the joys and responsibilities of thinking.

We hope to talk (and think!) with you soon, 
Team UGOC Tetsugaku (more about us here)



『うごく哲学』チーム一同より (紹介はこちら

Structure しくみ

Here is what we do. 『うごく哲学』の流れ


Introductions はじめに

Self-introductions, introduction to the Socratic Method, and introduction to the day's topic. (approx. 10 minutes)



Small Group Discussion 少人数での対話

Discuss the topic questions in small groups of 2-3 with a facilitator. (approx. 25 minutes)



Big Group Discussion  全体での対話

Share ideas with the whole group. (approx. 25 minutes) Wrap-up in Japanese (approx. 15 minutes)


Keep up to date with new events by following our instagram.




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