"Perspective" originally referred to a technique in painting that would allow the viewer to view the canvas as if they were looking through a window onto a scene. Today, "perspective" refers both to one's personal "point of view," or way of thinking about things, and to the capacity to view things in their true relations.

We could say that "perspective" deals with the relationship between the objective and the subjective, which raises many interesting questions for philosophy.
In what ways can we attain a more "objective" perspective on things?
Is it possible to gain a purely "objective" perspective?
What is the significance of our personal "subjective" perspectives?
What do you think is the relationship between "objective" and "subjective" perspectives?
「Perspective/ 遠近法」とは、もともと絵画技法のひとつであり、鑑賞者が窓から景色を見るかのように絵画を観ることを指します。現在、「Perspective」とは、個人的な「視点」や物事に対する考え方と、物事における真の関わりとはなにかを読み解く能力の両方を指すといえるでしょう。