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So much of the information that we consume is presented through moving images. In recent years, "short form" videos have become incredibly popular, which challenges both traditional formats, like cinema and television, and the relatively new video sharing platforms, like YouTube.

The Vote


The German philosopher, G. W. F. Hegel (1770-1831) made the controversial claim that the "highest duty" of individuals is "to be members of the state." For some, this idea is totalitarian or suggests a form of ultranationalism. For others, the key point is that, for a form of government to be legitimate, citizens must play an active role in...



It seems that much of human history has involved some degree of exploration and expansion. This trend appears to be continuing as new projects emerge to make settlements on the Moon and even Mars.



Breathing is one of many life functions. But it can also symbolize life as a whole. Breathing is cyclical, and humans go through the cycles of birth, maturation, and death that are common to the other animals. Yet, humans can also "control" or "hold" their breath; they can "take deep" breaths and even "focus on" their breathing. Like many other...



"Perspective" originally referred to a technique in painting that would allow the viewer to view the canvas as if they were looking through a window onto a scene. Today, "perspective" refers both to one's personal "point of view," or way of thinking about things, and to the capacity to view things in their true relations.



One cold winter's day, a number of porcupines huddled together quite closely in order through their mutual warmth to prevent themselves from being frozen. But they soon felt the effect of their quills on one another, which made them again move apart. Now when the need for warmth once more brought them together, the drawback of the quills was...

While the secularization of the public sphere is often considered a hallmark of modern democratic societies, religion has not vanished from contemporary life.



Why, what, and where is "art" today?

With generative AI, people are finding new ways to carry out creative tasks, such as brainstorming, writing, and image making. At the same time, this new technology raises many questions about the nature of creativity.



From novels to gossip, theater to cinema, we all enjoy a good story. Stories can "hook" us; good stories are "compelling." But are stories more than entertainment?



When we say something is "superficial," we often mean that it lacks substance, or that it leaves a washy impression, soon to be forgotten. By contrast, something with "depth" indicates some unchangeable aspect and leaves us with a lasting impression.

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